Friday, May 6, 2011

i wanna eat pussy.

yes, dats what my year 3 boy said when i gt into his class. its not for me, i know. but .. wait3. since it is from my school, obviously its not in english, which makes things worse.


i was so disturbed by that statement especially the last word that i spent 10 minutes scolded the boy n the whole class. i gave them revision sheets and i went out my class. i went to staffroom n tried to talk the problem out (one of them is the school counsellor) with some senior teachers who were in there n this is what they said:


nak buat macamana? what the? if u cant do anything, so, u just let it be? then, how would the kids know which one is good and which one is wrong? n how would they know that was a serious thing. i went to my car, locked myself in it n i cried.

i got so disturbed by the word (maybe because a year 3 kid said that. he is too young to know that kinda word and behaviour). n i cried because no one bothers to do something to that kinda kid. so, we just let them be? dont u think its very immoral if u see sum1 does sumting bad (which i believe its going to be worst later) n u just let it be? how about ur moral code? their moral code?

some said i got so over reacted by this incident. but if only u knw how disturbed u can be by the word and the thought that u will be teaching in that kinda environment for i duno how many years.

'No man can be a good teacher unless he has feelings of warm affection toward his pupils and a genuine desire to impart to them what he himself believes to be of value. '

Bertrand Russell


nadia alias said...

"bagus, pah masih bersemangat".. like wtf. sabar je la dowh. at least you told them u memang nak blah. huhu

Anonymous said...

Salam, I faced the same problem in my school. Even worse, there are cases in my school where the kids (year 4) watched porn. I almost vomited (really, I almost did) when a teacher told me about the conditions of the families these kids are in, I am not saying that it is anyone's fault, but surely there must be someone whom we can confide and plan something to at least 'melentur the rebung' rather than let them be like that sampai jadi buluh.

I dont want to be a 'couldnt-care-less' teacher, and I was quite dissappointed that the agama teachers were quite nonchalant about this...maybe they are busy...I don't know...


Anonymous said...

*when I meant my the conditions - one family, one house, no bedrooms. The kids saw everything their parents did and narrate it to their friends and teachers at school.

Astaghfirullah hal azheem...


pinkrain said...

dear traveller,

its the same problem here. last year, a teacher found two students making out in the classroom n they were year 4 students back then. i know how it feels when u really wana do something for them but u jus duno how to.

at least, this is what i did:
-when i teach them in class, i will normally get authenthic materials (newspaper, pictures from magazines, bla2) so i will use that kinda stories to explain to them the impact n the bad things that follows. i will ask them to do a mind map on things that can prevent. its a bit more work because u have to find the correct topic for that but i guess someone has to do something. everyday in class, i will stress qualities of a good girl/boy that will help them in the future. like , girls, being malu is ok as long as u know how to stand for urself when u need to and boys, dun always use violence or bullying to solve problems.

im still new n im always looking for different ways to teach my kids the right things because i think dat is what im supposed to do - hidden curriculum.

fman024 said...

Ohhemmgee! making out in the classroom!? primary kids nowadays! sigh