since all the male teachers in my school are married, i really need to have a survival guide on how to talk to them. well, at first, i dun really think i should bother on how i talk to them until a colleague of mine gt scolded by a male teacher's wife because she thinks my colleague's sms to her husband x proper. i saw the sms. for god sake, shes just asking about work n the male teacher is the only person who is in charged.
after that incident, i became more conscious about how i talk to them n sometimes, i have to sms them for work purposes. i actually sent a draft sms to nadia first to check whether my sms is appropriate for a married guy. who knows the wife checks the husband's sms everyday. psycho.i know.
sometimes, i actually said sorry first before i said anything. i tried to be as polite as i can and as tak drama as i can. n theres one incident when we talked at the library:
people in the scene: me, aisyah, kak nairul, cikgu syamry and cikgu norman hakim.
we were talking about nyahs and how they are viewed from different perspectives.
me: tapi, saya rasa, mereka kalau macam saya perlukan seorang lelaki, mereka boleh je jadi lelaki.
(ok. what i meant was, when we really need the guys to protect us like when we wana cross the road or lift bags, they would become a man n help us. at least dat is what i saw based on my experience. but this is how the married guys heard it)
cikgu syamry: maksud pah, perlukan lelaki tu, apa dia? perlukan yang macam mana tu?
(i know what they meant because both the male teachers n aisyah n kak nairul were laughing. ok.. now.. is it my bm memang shitty or my tone salah? perlukah semuanya pasal benda2 yang dewasa? macamana untuk kita bercakap dengan mereka seperti kita bercakap dengan semua budak lelaki ipba cohort 4 yang most of the time, paham dan dengar benda yang serupa? mungkin tak mungkin berlaku. when im so careful on how i talk to them, derang pulak boleh buat lawak yang obviously akan menyebabkan isteri derang marah.)
do i talk to them like i talk to dan, dyau, zaim, zul, sunny, mamat, aiman n yuni?
or should i really choose my words because they are married n things can get really complicated n dramatic if wrongly understood.
yes, i really need a survival guide on communicating with married guys. please.
5 days ago
1 comment:
laugh and say.. "clubbing.. mampu?" hahaha
anyway, be as polite as you can be is a good, positive way to sms. tapi tak pe... SAYA OPEN MINDED. seyes????? hahahhaa
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