ncg (national conference games) just finished here at australia with everyone gathered at queensland. im one of the committee as im one of the official photographers for the event. i enjoyed doing it since photography is one of my fav stuff to do here at overseas. taking sporting events is quite new to me but it was really worth it. such an experience. i worked really hard taking pictures with superb movement n capture it with my d60. for the first day , my 2gb memory card was full n it kinda shocked me because i cant remember when was the last time i did dat. 2gb full, n its not even a whole day event.
i met people from diff state in australia since the real objective of dis event is to unite malaysian students here. i met sze huey, my close-fren when i was in MGS. she represent act ( Canberra) for badminton. we hangout the 2nd day, n had lunch together. its very sweet because its been quite sum time we didnt get to talk like we did in school especially during primary school. i was a head prefect back then n shes my assistant , n we will talk on the phone after school for hours, talking about school, frens n life. the good old days.
one of the big issue that we touched that day is unity, how is it influence malaysian n stuff. we get into a conclusion where it is hard , especially now , to unite people , especially when those ppl came from diff races. the cultural diversity really influence our everyday lives , hence, our perception towards sumting. n thats when unity cme in. looking at malaysia now , i am afraid that what i have in mind is true and i hate to say that its the truth.
i still remember when i was in school or back in klang, i always thought that unity is there between the community. if not for every malaysian citizen , but at least in my community. when i was in school ,we were frens to each other. there is no such things as diff races as we saw ourselves as a malaysian. the only thing dat differ us is the religion and colour. we managed to become sisters and still are now.
but im here now , im 21, n i see the scope in a larger view. n the definition of the word unity and everything dat has sumting to do with it , changed. maybe its because , its the real world now or maybe it just because of those people that i knw now see dat thing differently. and i always ask my self, why cant we be like those days where unity is not a problem and we see ourselves as a family that live happily and peacefully on the same piece of land ? izit because those perception is never true because i was a child back then ? or izit because we are too selfish when we are in real world n wil do anything to get our ass on top of other people?
there was a fight during ncg between the delegates. obviously , the main objective failed. n its a shame thing to be remembered by all the malaysian students. furthermore, wat happen in malaysian politics now , gave us second thoughts about it.
i wish i was 10 years old now where everyone lives happily together without having to worry about unity.
5 days ago
objective failed huh? what a waste when people don't truly see.
there is one thing i can see when it comes to malaysian unity:
people below mixes well and having fun with each other - its the politicians that mess things up. and we, the people below feel the pain, while they laugh all the way to the bank.
i like this post babe
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