im having fever n i didnt go to class this morning. i dun feel ok n i miss home very much n i feel bad for not being with my bestfriend, nad, back in malaysia. her dad passed away dis morning.
she text me last nite saying dat her dad was in icu because of sum chest problem. i text her back , saying dat ill always be with her n things will be fine. i started to feel sick since yesterday. maybe the weather or maybe it jus my bad feeling. when i recited the holy quran last night, my ear started to feel uncomfortable. what me n my family believe is, thres people who just passed away. but , of course, i dun feel anything since i jus called everyone back home n everyone is fine.
when i was at zaims house, nad text me. i feel bad for not being with her since she is my best friend n we have known each other since standard one. both our family r very close to each other. later that nite, i called my mum told her dat cik alias ( nad's dad ), in icu. i also text farid , asking him to teman nad n look after her. i was praying so hard dat nothing happen.i dun stay too long at zaims house because i dun feel well, n once i came back home, i talked to ash for while, n head to bed.
i woke dis morning , performed my subuh prayers n then my mum called. i knew it was sumting bad because its too early in the morning. my mum said, nad called n her dad passed away. i was damn shocked n i cried. i called everyone, etil n farid n nad to say im sorry i cant be there n take a good care of nad. it is so unexpected. n altho nad looks like sum1 who is strong , but i knw deep down, dis is a very huge turning point in her life. n i feel very bad for not being there with her.
her dad was a funny man. n wise too. he always makes jokes like my dad. sum people always mistaken him with my dad. n he loves keroncong so much. whenever we lepak at nad's house , the dad will be there singing keroncong with the karaoke system. ive knew him since i was small n my dad n him used to work in the same office for years. theyre gud frens. n dats y i can feel the sadness. as a whole.
ive been missing home very bad lately. with stuff going on here. it becme worst when dis happened. ive checked tix, flight tickets to malaysia jus now. so expensive . ive been telling myself to be patience. things will be ok. but i cant stop crying , n feeling so bad because i cant be there with nad. im supposed to be there , be with her. im sori.
al-fatihah to her late father. hes a good man. very. may Allah bless him .
5 days ago
al fatihah...
2 nadia's late father...
i dont knoe ur fren but i feel bad for her. al-fatihah to her late father. n i cn relate to ur homesickness. u guys r strong ppl. things will be good.
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