class started yesterday , so i dun really have time to write an entry about my new zealand trip which i describe it as a precious journey in my life.
i took a flight after ncg , on the 6th of july to christchurch. due to sum problems , i didnt manage to meet nisah n co. i stayed with aiman , mint n pikah at stonehurst backpackers. when we arrived , it was the glorious 4 degrees. damn cold. but we survived through the whole nz journey. the next day , we started our road trip -me,jg,faris,nisah n ati on an estima van. one of the must-do things here at oversea for me , is road trip n yes , it was a great one. we drove to queenstown the next day n we stayed at pinewood backpackers.
da pinewood backpackers was on the hil n it was -9 degrees when we arrived. it was a small town but superb scenery.should go n view my nz picture in my flickr or frenster. we stayed for three days there n we actually can memorize the road there because its a small town. we met dyau n hanif there. it was a bit weird tho , both of them travelled together. weird companion, but , they do survive together. dyau with his coffee and hanif with his new hair. on the last day there, we took cable car to the top of the i-dunno-wats-da-name hill. we played the luge. damn awesome. 3 rides . n i did bungee jump. yes. i did BUNGEE JUMP. it was 400m high n it was a once in a lifetime experience. it was scary , n i duno wat i was thinking that time , but i did it . done with another must-do list. at nite , we watched the kiwi haka performance. damn cun. everyone who went to nz n didnt watch any haka performance, seriously wasted. hot guys with wonderful voice. seriously.
the next day , we made the move to dunedin but we decided to stop at invercargil. we stopped at an art gallery park. at this park , thres this mansion which they turned it into an art gallery. beautiful scenery. it is situated beside a farm n theres kids playing at the park. lovely2 feelings.
we arrived at dunedin at night and we went to a food market at the university of otago. it was under the international association for that uni. we ate nasi katok from brunei , damn spicy , nasi lemak from malaysian students, superb satay from indonesian people and sum nasi with gravy from a muslim association. that nite , i also went to watch a snowboarding competition at the uni area. damn cool.we stayed at ontop backpackers. we experienced sum scary stuff there. maybe its an old place.the next day at dunedin, we went to cadbury world. it was ok. who loves choc like damn love it , should go there. they brought us to see inside the factory , how to make choc n into dis one tower where thres a choc fountain infront of us. we also gt free chocs. it was a great feeling to be there. once in a lifetime. they actually mentioned that they got the cocoa fruit from malaysia. MALAYSIA. hehhe. we went to the museum n art gallery n the building there is damn nice. scottish blend.n thres a rugby match between all blacks n springboks. everyone were looking forward for it. but , all blacks didnt win. 28-30. last try by the visitor. the last nite , we ate spagetti at nisah's fren, tasha's house. cute house n the person too.
we head back to christchurch n we stayed at charlie b's backpackers. we spent the night looking for halal food n playing cards. the next day , me, jg n ati went to the city n we bought tix for the tram n punting. it was a superb experience, the tram n the punting. thres a band called sunshine, playing themusic n sing songs on the tram . we went to the canterbury museum, artgallery n botanical garden.n the punting . the punter name is philip n he is from us, hot, super hot infact, n with awesome sense of humour. i then being told dat my aunty, my maklong , passed away. al-fatihah to her. such a fine lady. it gave me a struck at first. shes damn nice . the sad thing is ,shes my dad's sis , n we cant get through my dad because hes at indonesia for sum work stuff.
the , we took bus to picton n we stopped for a while at kaikora. it was a 5 hours journey on the bus n it sucks. i dun like it. prefer flights or anything else , other than bus. i puke when i arrived at picton. we took a ferry from there. well, it is not like a ferry,a cruise mayeb because they have places to eat, cinema, games n other stuff in dat ship. i watched a horror movie on the journey n we arrived at wellington at nite.
we stayed at arifah's house. her house is on the hill. it is more like a chalet. because nice view of wellington from the backyad. i cooked most of the time there because she have this beautiful large kitchen which i adore very much. we cooked , nasi lemak, tomyam, ayam rempah, roti jala n cheesecake. n we n other ipba people hangout at ' cinta restaurant'. the food was ok. i met shirley,eva,nisrin,sharq,yusman,aiman n chouji there.after the dinner , we went to all the ipbarians house to say hi. we stayed there for two days, n we did went to the tepapa museum,an art gallery , train station n the city. it is a nice n lovely place but its very hilly.
our flight to auckland was on the 15th and we stayed at nisah n crew house. i stayed in dzeti's room. we spent most of our time cooking there n watched horror movies every night. n theres this one night , we watched the love guru. we ate outside food a lot too also. lotsa halal foods. we went to the museum, auckland domain n the ity. the city is just 5 mins walk from their place. hangout most of the time with the guls,dyau, hanif, faris n aiman. i met mira,akma con , ain, dzeti, hisyam n wira there. such a nice feeling to be there. wonderful people with wonderful place , with wonderful activities n wonderful food.
my flight back to brisbane was last sunday n i arrived clv at nite.
it was a wonderful winter break. looking forward to be back at malaysia. :)
5 days ago
A long post for a long trip.
Envious is sufficient for it. :P
i didnt know u were here. he3. hope u r doing well too.. take care!~
can you take me bungee jumping??? please...please...
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