Wednesday, April 15, 2009

the best and the worst.

i went to jason mraz concert last night, and i broke up with my boyfriend this morning.

i guess God doesnt want things to be unbalance, ey ?


alfina said...

im sorry to hear that, tell me, tell me.

nadia alias said...

ngah.. we still love you igt..

etil and i can still play your tetek.

come on dear.. =p

pinkrain said...

things r better today. he called, n ask for forgiveness. but i guess i just wana be alone. :)

dazlfina : u'll meet him during ur visit next june. u can ask him what he did. ;P

nad : hahhahaha. nice, tetek, huh ?

daydreambeliever said...

jgn fikir sgt, wait till june(erm..maybe bl assgnmt tinggal skit),
b strong...