currently reading evangeline by longfellow.
henry wadsworth longfellow.
super duperly busy, but cant get my eyes n mind away from this book.
other than 'the broken wings' by kahlil gibran,
which that book depicts a story from a guy's perspective,
longfellow's evangeline is the best illustration of faithfulness
and the constancy of woman that I have ever read.
'Ships that pass in the night,
and speak each other in passing,
only a signal shown,
and a distant voice in the darkness;
So on the ocean of life,
we pass and speak one another,
only a look and a voice,
then darkness again and a silence.'
isnt it amazing when u can really feel
what they really mean by their writing?
5 days ago
okay.. very the deep deep. huhu..
I was trying to be so 'abstract' tonight. But, I failed. Lol.
nadia : dats not dat deep. just throw urself in it. hehehhe.
zam : yeah, again. not so abstract. imagination, can really help.
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