been reading a lot about sex/nude pictures of sum important people. n recently , an ADUN from selangor, elizabeth wong. the pictures taken in her house, her room, while shes sleeping . n dat is seriouly rude, wrong, and stupid for sum1 to take her pictures at that time, in her own house. its her privacy, n her problem. nak berbogel ke apa ke, its her own house. violation of humans rights n privacy.
the case is still under investigation.whether shes guilty, or not, theyre still looking for the amswer.
shes angry n feel humiliated.
whoever wants her to resign just because sum1 took her nude pictures in her own house, im speechless. its her house n her doing doesnt affect any1. unless shes naked n sleeping at dataran merdeka or inside the shopping mall.
people are trying very hard to get on top of sum1 else, eventhough they know , its very wrong to do dat.
dis is our world.
You and Me?
1 week ago
hurm, whatever happened to privacy anyway??today's technology is misused, seriously.suka hati dia lah nak buat apa.that's her house.
What about somebody resigning for causing landslides? For making corruption a culture? For underdevelopment? Or even "overdevelopment" for that matter? For advocating unity but making people hate?
Naahhh..those aren't as bad as a poor lady sleeping naked
hezrin - tahu takpe.
what happened to our world, man ?
Wow look!
Malaysians should now post their hated politicians in their toilets and ensure that the pictures are leaked to the world to see!
The result, you get them to resign since Malaysians can't tolerate such imbecility.
Sarcasm ends. Life's like that, if you can bring someone down, beat them down til they can never get up.
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