ive been thinking a lot lately about whats happening in my life n other stuff around me. makes me cry, smile, laugh and sad. it just complicated.
yes. i miss home. although i stil only have around 2 months to go before my flight back to malaysia, but i really miss home so much. and plus, is now ramadhan. since in one of those PBSM (persatuan balik setiap minggu) girls at ipba, i always wil be there at home for bukak puasa , at least every weekend. it just feel different without my family around. man, i really miss them. not just by the food, n the money , ehem, that they give me , but most importantly , their love.
aww.. man.. dis one, very sensitive. i can easily cried because of dat. i miss my frens so much.very2. they make me feel as a whole when we r together. because they let me be myself. n i can see how myself really r when with them.they just make me feel good n happy. they make me feel complete. yes, complete.
tough one. its almost 2 years, n its getting more challenging especially when 2 hearts r so far away. we tend to be so emotional about that. n god really2 testing on our love now.
kinda malas these few days. n i totally hate myself more dis semester. i need more time to do assignments. thank god i start early.but compared to last semester, i think i am more enthusiastic in learning sumting last semester. i duno y.
my money in the bank can stand until early october. for all the bills, food n leisure. i really hope te allowance wil be coming these few weeks. since , i havent ask any money from my parents , i really hope dat i dun have to do dat. im learning to stand on my own since i came here to australia. learning to take responsible of my own financial.
my malaysia.
waiting for 16th of september. been praying hard. never felt so emotional when talking about malaysia, but i really hope that its not going to end up like how people r describing it. we could not afford any changes in the government. i love my country, n people, please start appreciate ur own country. make it happen - unity. when u r overseas, u wil understand dis : "hujan emas di negara org, hujan batu di negara sendiri, lebih baik di negara sendiri". unity, dat wat makes us, a malaysian.
current interest.
sleeping and my new iPhone.i just bought an iPhone. 16gb. loving it very much. a pink+black iPhone which i named it pinkrain.
i really hope stuffs wil be fine.
2 months to go.
5 days ago
1 comment:
Its exactly 2 more months now. It'll be fine.
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