Name: zainab class 1979 50th birthday reunion.
Place: bukit jalil golf and country club
Date: 27 july 2012 (friday)
Time: 6.00 - 11.00
Theme: 70's
4 days ago
Both the kingdom of humankind, and the kingdom of God , is the subject of all poetry.
Name: zainab class 1979 50th birthday reunion.
Place: bukit jalil golf and country club
Date: 27 july 2012 (friday)
Time: 6.00 - 11.00
Theme: 70's
'you, complete me'
Thank u for being the wonderful u. May this ramadhan brings us closer to each other and Him. Sampai syurga. InsyaAllah. Amin.
Beberapa hari tak dpt tidur dgn betul. Ada je kerja. Sumpah penat. Rasa macam buruh kasar baru balik dr kerja dekat lombong bijih timah. Nasib baik esok dah start puasa. Boleh ada lbh banyak masa untuk diri sendiri dan tuhan.
Salam ramadhan semua.
Semoga kita semua lebih dekat padanya, insyaAllah.